If you’re curious about Chasing Tarzan, you can peek inside on Amazon, or read an excerpt here.
Author Archives: Catherine Forster
Guest Post on Mothers and Daughters
This post was written for Word Magic -all about books Mother-daughter relationships, it’s tricky! Ah, mothers and daughters. It’s complicated. We are attached through an umbilical cord and something much stronger once that cord is cut: the push and pull of emotional connection, sometimes bouncing back and forth at the high speed of a ping […]
Barnes and Noble
A wish come true! Admittedly, I was shocked (never imagined this would happen) to find my book, Chasing Tarzan, at Barnes and Noble. If the store had been empty, I would have danced a jig. Instead, I celebrated over a delicious meal and glass of wine. https://catforster.com/chasing-tarzan/
Upcoming Blog Tour
Announcing upcoming blog tour, an Bookstagram Blitz 🙂 This is all new to me, enjoy the blitz!
The long-term effects of bullying need not be defining
The long-term effects of bullying are real. Research findings, regardless of their genesis, are remarkably similar: adults who were victims of bullying are more likely to suffer from depression, relationship problems, substance abuse, stress-related shorter life spans, and suicide; bullies who were also bullied, are susceptible to the same problems as their victims, plus they […]
Indy Film Library Amsterdam
Thrilled to announce Longing for a Shadow has been included in Experimental Film Awards by the Indy Film Library Amsterdam. Longing For A Shadow
Chasing Tarzan launched
Chasing Tarzan launched on July 26th. The book is available wherever books are sold. Readers have asked about the impetus that compelled me to write the book. There were two catalysts: my own daughter’s battle with bullying, and a family trip to Africa. She was eleven at the time, an age when I too struggled […]
CHASING TARZAN launching soon
I’m thrilled to announce my book, CHASING TARZAN, will be launching this summer. https://catforster.com/chasing-tarzan/
516 Gallery Albuquerque NM
“Under the Boardwalk,” a single-channel video, will screen at the 516 Gallery Albuquerque from October 16 through January 22nd. The group show, Counter Mapping, explores how tracking and mapping influences the meanings and perceptions of places, and reflects the social and political positions of those executing the ‘defining’. The video component of the program was […]
Prague Independent Film Festival
Very pleased to announce Memory CAre … the long goodbye has been selected for screening by the Prague Independent Film Festival. For more information about the film: