“Under The Boardwalk,” a single channel, 8-minute looped video installation, will screen at Experiments In Cinema 2017 Festival, Albuquerque, NM this coming April. The piece explores our compulsion to eavesdrop. The tension of “not knowing” is seductive. Today we eavesdrop in public and on line, scanning social media images and reading posts, bits of information […]
Author Archives: Catherine Forster
Chasing Tarzan Lit Awards
Chasing Tarzan Chapter 5 ‘Bones’ made the national literary journal Clockhouse’s Top Ten Favorites for Nonfiction. Chapter 22 ‘ Like Lawrence of Arabia’ is a semi-finalist in New Millennium Writings journal. Chasing Tarzan is a story about the long term effects of bullying. The book is a journey over decades, uncovering how childhood informs the […]
ME NOT at John M Flazman Library SAIC
My artist book ME NOT, a collection of drawings, can now be viewed at the John M Flazman Library, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
“Now for the Painter” Albuquerque video performance
Experiments in Cinema 2016 Albuquerque, NM A live performance of “Now for the Painter,” in collaboration with local musicians, will take place Saturday evening, April 9th, as part of EIC Festival 2016. The digital seascape, “Now for the Painter,” is a tribute to Turner’s last seascapes. The project title is from R.J.W. Turner’s piece Now […]
“ME NOT” Rymer Gallery
Solo exhibition “ME NOT” at the Rymer Gallery Nashville, TN has been shifted to November to allow for community outreach programs involving youth and local universities. The move is welcome and an exciting opportunity – a project gallery space will be devoted to outreach programs throughout the month of November.
“Flower Women” exhibition at Central Michigan University Gallery
“Flower Women” exhibition at Central Michigan University Gallery this coming fall – Oct/Nov 2015
ME NOT at San Diego Art Institute
I’m excited to announce “ME NOT” plus a selection of drawings from “cactus, flower, f%#k-off, love, roses”, a complimentary project, will exhibit at the San Diego Art Institute’s 53rd International show. The exhibition opens April 18th during the SDAI’s yearly Gala celebration and fund raiser.
“Flower Girl” screening at Experiments in Cinema v10.T36, Albuquerque, NM
I’m thrilled to announce “Flower Girl” will be screened at Experiments in Cinema v10.T36 Festival, Albuquerque, NM. Flower Girl touches on innocence, and the transition from childhood to womanhood. The piece beckons the question: can the young girl in the piece hold on to her identity, cultivate her aspirations, or is she predestined to be […]
“POND” at Currents New Media Festival
I’m thrilled to announce “POND” will be participating in Currents 2015. CURRENTS is an annual event with program in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Warehouse 1-10 in Magdalena. The Festival brings together the work of established and emerging New Media artists, from New Mexico, the US and abroad, for events showcasing interactive and fine art video […]