Chasing Tarzan launched on July 26th. The book is available wherever books are sold. Readers have asked about the impetus that compelled me to write the book. There were two catalysts: my own daughter’s battle with bullying, and a family trip to Africa. She was eleven at the time, an age when I too struggled with bullying. Her presence and Africa awakened childhood memories of an imaginary playmate and protector, Tarzan, and my schoolyard nemesis (dubbed Hunter in the book). I imagined Tarzan peeking out of the bush, riding elephants, saving us from hungry lions, charging hippos, and stealthy crocodiles. A series of drawings ensued. Text emerged and eventually took over. The manuscript took six years to write, admixed my other art projects. Five drafts later, including three complete re-writes, Chasing Tarzan was ready. Publishing, to my surprise, took another two years.
I can report that reactions have been very positive.
A recent review on Goodreads:
Sometimes heartbreaking to read, but with an ultimately hopeful message, all ages can enjoy this story. Would be especially beneficial to younger audiences, not just those who can relate to struggling w/ bullying or being one of the older siblings in a large family, but also those who may be persuaded to be more empathetic.