Around The Coyote Video Lounge Curated by LiveBox
Five Monitors - Solo Artist Installations: Julia Oldham: USA, “Dead Stop”, 2007, (2:24 min), “Croon”, 2008, (2:18 min), “Merrow”, 2008, (2:56 min). Robyn Voshardt and Sven Humphrey: USA, single channel video. “New and Improved” 2007, (2 min 21 sec). Tim Geers: USA, looped video. “Eleanor”, 2007, (3:11 min). Abienne Gautier: France, single channel video. “Passing”, 2007, (9:40 min). Blake Carrington, USA, single channel video. “Sky and Wires: At Home and Homeless, 2007, (9:30 min).
Screening Room - Chie Yamayoshi, Japan/USA, “I want to make a video about you”, 2005, (12:00 min). Pierrre St Jacques, USA “Project for a Grey Dress in NY”, 2005, (12:30 min). Ellen Lake, USA, “I was Never Glamorous, I was Just Around”, 2006, (2:00 min). Christopher Bruchansky, Belgium, “On The Couch”, 2006 (7:00 min). Elizabeth Riley, USA, “Liberty”, 2007, (12:00 min). Marlo Bodzick, Australia, w_b_m (water, breath, money), 2005, (2:27 min).