Indie Reader Review – Perfect Score

Chasing Tarzan received a perfect 4/4 A candid and keenly observed story of childhood trauma and its ripple effects, Catherine Forster’s CHASING TARZAN is by turns heartrending and inspirational, told with a straightforward honesty that never becomes trite or emotionally manipulative. CHASING TARZAN, Catherine Forster’s memoir of her journey of self-discovery and growth, tells the […]


I am thrilled to announce a KIRKUS review of Chasing Tarzan: An eloquent remembrance delivered with visceral emotion. A detailed memoir of a childhood and adolescence marked by the effects of bullying. In 1962, Forster, the second of her parents’ eight children, was 7 years old and had already lived in “four towns, two states, […]

Guest Post

I am happy to announce I was invited to post an essay on the role of imagination when children are tormented. Blog: Chapter Break The role of imagination when children suffer torment I was seven when the bullying began. Parents, teachers, adults in general did nothing but pontificate: sticks and stones may break your bones […]

Guest Post on Mothers and Daughters

This post was written for Word Magic -all about books Mother-daughter relationships, it’s tricky! Ah, mothers and daughters. It’s complicated. We are attached through an umbilical cord and something much stronger once that cord is cut: the push and pull of emotional connection, sometimes bouncing back and forth at the high speed of a ping […]

Barnes and Noble

A wish come true! Admittedly, I was shocked (never imagined this would happen) to find my book, Chasing Tarzan, at Barnes and Noble. If the store had been empty, I would have danced a jig. Instead, I celebrated over a delicious meal and glass of wine.

The long-term effects of bullying need not be defining

The long-term effects of bullying are real. Research findings, regardless of their genesis, are remarkably similar: adults who were victims of bullying are more likely to suffer from depression, relationship problems, substance abuse, stress-related shorter life spans, and suicide; bullies who were also bullied, are susceptible to the same problems as their victims, plus they […]

Chasing Tarzan Lit Awards

Chasing Tarzan Chapter 5 ‘Bones’ made the national literary journal Clockhouse’s Top Ten Favorites for Nonfiction. Chapter 22 ‘ Like Lawrence of Arabia’ is a semi-finalist in New Millennium Writings journal. Chasing Tarzan is a story about the long term effects of bullying. The book is a journey over decades, uncovering how childhood informs the […]