Longing For A Shadow

"Longing For A Shadow," single-channel video, 4:22 min loop

Longing For A Shadow explores isolation and social distancing during COVID-19. The project was inspired by my mother’s struggle with the sudden and now long-term reality of day after day in her home, unable to hug her children, see her grandchildren, or gather with her friends. The piece is dedicated to all who are coping, alone, during COVID-19. And to those we’ve lost, passing without loved ones near.

Performance by: Hadar Ahuvia

Longing For A Shadow received an award for experimental film by the Indy Film Library Amsterdam. The video exhibited at the Evanston and Vicinity Biennial 2021, Evanston, IL, and Experiments In Cinema, 2021, Albuquerque, NM, and 7th Logcinema Art Films, Centro Cultural Borges, Sala ” X Experiencias en Escena,” Buenos Aires, the International Art Film Festival, London, Experimental Forum – Honorable Mention, and the Toronto Lift-Off Film Festival.